Hospitalization guide for English | 長野県安曇野市 安曇野赤十字病院


Hospitalization guide for English

Admittance procedure

Admittance procedure

  • Go directly to 1st-floor general reception. The staff will guide you.
  • When you arrive at the hospital, first take care of the procedures for your admittance application, the submission of your insurance card, etc., at 1st-floor general reception.
  • If you have a history of hospitalization at another medical institution, an application is required. If you have a discharge certificate (with a hospital admittance date within the past three months) from the other hospital, provide it to 1st-floor general reception.
Patients admitted on the same day

The procedures will be explained through outpatient services. If you are admitted due to an emergency (including admittance at night and on holidays), your family should perform the admittance procedures on a weekday between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm at 1st-floor general reception.


Things to bring for admittance.

  • Examination ticket, insurance card, infant medical certificate, physical disability certificate, Eligibility Certificate for Ceiling-Amount Application, etc.
    If there are changes like revisions to the health insurance card or newly joining a health insurance scheme, etc., you must submit your card to 1st-floor general reception for confirmation.Also show your insurance card to general reception if you are hospitalized for over 1 month.
  • Toiletries/hair products: cup for sink, toothbrush, soap, comb, razor, shampoo, etc.; plastic bag for laundry, etc.; container for dentures, etc.
  • Items for mealtime: fork, spoon, tea cup, feeding cup, straw, wet tissues for hand wiping, (Please prepare a case for utensils fork, spoon, etc.)
  • Depending on your disease, you may need to prepare a change of underwear that opens from the front.
  • Other daily goods: earphones, face towel, bath towel, slippers, tissues, etc.

If you use diapers, they will be prepared by the hospital. They are paid for at the store separately from the hospitalization fees. We request your cooperation.

* Daily goods, diapers, etc., can also be purchased at the store or from vending machines.

* Write your name on your personal effects.

Patient gown

The patient gown is loaned for a fee. It can be exchanged twice a week or when dirty.

  • We will prepare your bedding.
  • The patient gown is paid for alongside the CS set and invoiced separately by the hospital. When you receive the invoice, you can pay at a convenience store, etc.


At the time of admittance, ensure that you bring all medication that you have been taking as well as your prescription record.

Recently, accidents have been occurring at healthcare sites in regard to medication brought in by patients, such as patients taking double doses because they are prescribed the same medication after admittance, patients ceasing to take prescribed medication after admittance, or patients receiving an excessive dosage due to drips that include the same components as over-the-counter medications or as medications prescribed by another hospital. To prevent these accidents, bring all medication that you are taking at the time of admittance, and provide it to a nurse or pharmacist. If you have a prescription record, show that as well.

During hospitalization


We will prepare your meals. Based on health insurance provisions, you are responsible for the flat, standard cost of meals. (There is a standard cost for each meal.)

We do the following to improve the content of the meals.

  • Special management for delivering warm meals at the appropriate time
  • Selectable menu with options
  • Support for disease-specific special therapeutic diets
  • Delivery times (planned): Breakfast 7:30 am, lunch 12:00 pm, dinner 6:00 pm

Provision of meals for therapeutic diets (special meals)

We promote team medicine. Team medicine is where multiple medical specialists cooperate to provide care and treatment to a single patient. It is a system that provides high quality medical care. As a part of this system, registered dietitians provide support so that treatment can be performed through meals. If you have any of the following diseases, nutritional care will be provided through a therapeutic diet and nutritional instruction.

[Diseases requiring a therapeutic diet (special meals)] Heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, diabetes, stomach ulcers, anemia, pancreatic disease, dyslipidemia, gout, morbid obesity, etc.

Life during hospitalization

If you have any issues during admittance or hospitalization, talk to the staff.
You may be asked to transfer rooms or wards according to your treatment goals. We request your cooperation.
Follow the instructions of the doctors and nurses in regard to treatment and nursing. For treatment and nursing purposes, you may have dietary or activity restrictions. Do not hesitate to ask if you have questions about your disease or treatment.
Do not bring valuables or excess amounts of cash. We are not responsible for any thefts that occur in the hospital. If you must bring these items, store them in the lockable drawer in the bedside table.
Do not use the parking lot during the hospitalization period. If you have to use it, make sure to let us know.
Cell phones, etc., could affect electronic medical devices. Do not use them outside of the specified locations. Public telephones are available on each floor and in the cafeteria. Please avoid making calls from outside to the hospital ward as much as possible.
Hospital rooms are equipped with a pay television. You can watch it by purchasing a TV card. (There is a vending machine for TV cards in the cafeteria of each ward.) Use earphones so that you do not disturb others. (Earphones can be purchased at the store.) * The remaining balance on the TV card can be settled with the settlement machine by the store on the 2nd floor. However, it cannot be used for a balance of less than 10 yen. * The TV card can also be used to make payments at the store. (It cannot be used in combination with cash.)
Private rooms (with some exceptions) have a LAN port for free wired internet access. You can use this if you bring your own computer. Understand that users are responsible for the operations and security of their own computer. We request that you not use a private Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) communications device because it can affect the communications of medical devices and electronic records.
There is a post box in front of the main entrance. For any mail you will receive, have the sender include the name of your ward in the addressee section.
The waking time is 6:00 am, and lights are turned off at 9:00 pm. Be careful not to disturb other patients early in the morning and after lights out.
You need permission from your primary doctor to take a bath or shower. The ward nurse will explain the details.


The visitation hours are as follows. Try to use the visitation corner.

Weekdays3 pm to 8 pm
Holidays1 pm to 8 pm

Refrain from visiting outside of the prescribed hours or from disturbing others. For treatment reasons, visitation may be restricted. Ask a ward nurse.

Preventing infection during hospitalization

  • Wash your hands before eating and after using the bathroom. If you are unable to move, wipe your hands with an alcohol-based wet tissue. You can also use the quick-dry hand sanitizer placed in the hospital room.
  • If you are sneezing or coughing, wear a mask. Gargle periodically. There is a vending machine for masks in the entrance hall. Please use it.
  • Items placed on the floor are dirty. Do not place them on your bed.

Hospitalization fees

Hospitalization fees

  • For payments during hospitalization, invoices will be issued once a month. The invoice for the monthly period will be delivered every month around the 10th after closed at the end of the previous month. The invoice for discharge payments will be delivered the day before or the day of.
  • Pay with the automatic settlement machine for hospitalization fees that is to the side of 1st-floor general reception within the hours specified below (ask 1st-floor general reception about how to pay or use the machine).
  • Every day between 7 am and 8 pm. If discharged at night or during holidays, ask at the ward staff station or 1st-floor general reception in advance about payments. For an estimate of the hospitalization fees, ask at the ward staff station or 1st-floor general reception.
  • The receipt is required to claim the medical fee exemption for income tax or the high-cost medical fee benefit, so keep it safe. Receipts cannot be reissued. However, for a fee, a receipt certificate can be issued instead of a receipt. Inquire as needed.
  • If it is thought that no treatments are required that require hospitalization, but you remain hospitalized for an extended period (for over 180 days) due to personal circumstances, elective treatment fees will be assessed.
  • If you have difficulties regarding the hospitalization fees, promptly talk to 1st-floor general reception.
  • You can pay with a credit card.

Cost differences by room

If you would prefer a special or private room, contact the ward staff station. The fees are paid with the hospitalization fees. Please understand that even if you have a preference for a special or private room, we may not be able to accommodate you.

Special room (private room)13,200 yen per day
(ward 6S)
Private room (1-person room with shower)7,700 yen per day
(wards 4E, 5E, and 6E)
Private room (1-person room)6,600 yen per day
(all wards)
Semi-private room (4-person room)1,650 yen per day
(all wards)

* The above prices include tax (10% consumption tax).

Patients to be admitted who are under 70

Your expenses at the admittance / outpatient counter will be reduced.

You can reduce your medical fees by submitting the Eligibility Certificate for Ceiling-Amount Application to the hospital. This is issued by submitting an application during the examination month to your insurance institution.

Counters where procedures are performed
National health insurance / Late-stage elderly insuranceLocal national health insurance counter
Social insurance
Health insurance associationSocial insurance office or your workplace
Union-managedHealth insurance union or your workplace
CooperativeThe cooperative or your workplace

[Things required for the procedures]
● Health insurance card (for the patient to be examined) ● Personal seal (informal)
● Identification (of the person submitting the application; it can also be submitted by a family member.)


Going out / sleeping away from the hospital

If you have any preferences, talk to your doctor or nurse. If you get permission, you can leave after filling out the required form and talking to a nurse. Talk to a nurse again when you return. If you feel unwell while out or if you will change the date/time of your return to the hospital, contact your ward.

If an earthquake, fire, or other emergency occurs

Follow the instructions of the nurse, etc., without panicking. You will be provided support according to your condition. Emergency exits are identified by a green light. Note their locations during admittance. Do not use an elevator during an emergency.

Medical certificates

If you need one, talk to your doctor. If you need one after discharge or for life insurance, talk to general reception. If the insurance company has a specific form, submit a copy.

Patient consultation counter

If you have any of the following concerns or issues, contact the ward staff station. Rest assured that your personal information will be kept strictly confidential.

Nursing consultations

  • Concerns about life after discharge, methods of nursing and care
  • Advice for patients performing at-home treatment with medical devices
  • Consultations for daily living for patients with chronic diseases
  • Points of contact for patient advocacy groups
  • Confusion about who to talk to in regard to treatment concerns


Medical consultations (handled by a case worker)

    • Economic issues related to medical or living costs
    • Usage of and applications for pensions, health insurance, and other social welfare systems
    • Procedures for joining or commuting to social welfare facilities
    • Consultations on life with treatments for special diseases, injuries, or disabilities
    • Usage of public resources (services) after discharge

Also, there is a patient consultation counter in the 1st-floor counter of the Regional Medical Cooperation Division. Feel free to talk to them for guidance on examination, medical safety, hospitalization, medical fees, at-home care, or regional medical institutions.

Discharge procedures

  • When you get permission from your primary doctor for discharge, talk with the head nurse of the ward to set the discharge date.
  • Please leave the hospital in the morning.

Rehabilitation ward for the recovery period

There is a rehabilitation ward for patients who require rehabilitation after regular discharge.

Visiting nursing and visiting rehabilitation

If you have any preferences for visiting nursing or visiting rehabilitation after discharge, talk to a ward nurse.

All hospital staff refuse gratuities.
Please do not bother yourself.